LearnServe Paraguay 2018, Day 6: A Sense of Purpose

Friday, June 29 – When I stepped out the door this morning, I saw something in the sky. It was a sense of purpose. I had the feeling that today was going to be an eventful day, and it was. Today was our breakout day for the trip. I finally saw the students relax and really enjoy themselves and embrace Paraguayan culture.

It was the San Juan Festival, a celebration of the arrival the Summer Solstice. Drena climbed up a greased pole to grab candy and snacks; I was so proud of her because she was so scared but, with the help of our students and our host siblings, she was able to get two treats from the top of the pole. Ms. Bundy, Binni, Alicia, Sarah, and Lauren competed in potato sack races and several people from our group had our fortunes told by a ‘gypsy.’ The funniest game was one-on-one tug of war. I played against Binni and completely destroyed her! The San Juan Festival was the tip of the iceberg.

In the afternoon, after two days of intense planning using human centered design, we finally worked on our projects. My group and I picked up trash in the community, and while doing that, several young kids (who were originally watching us work) started to help us pick up trash. That act revolutionized the project. We now wanted to teach the kids how to do keep their community clean by always picking up the trash.

Upon arriving back to my host family’s house after this inspiring and amazing day, I was greeted with the best surprise ever! My host brother from last year was at the house! I got to see him all grown up in a police uniform. We talked forever and shared a lot of laughs. We are leaving Santa Rosalia tomorrow, but I will never forget the memories I made today.

Avery W., LearnServe Abroad Intern | Thurgood Marshall Academy (Class of 2018)

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