The night before we went to the airport I went to bed around 12:00 – I was so excited and nervous! But when I went to sleep I was out like a light! When I woke up I knew I had to hurry because my grandpa was picking me up at 5:30am. I rushed to get my Learnserve shirt (which I almost lost EVEN THOUGH I had already set it out) and then slipped on some shorts, which was a risky move since our shorts have to be knee length in Paraguay, but luckily it all worked out. Grandpa was on time as usual and we prayed before we left and then we were on our way to the airport!
I rode my first plane for five hours next to one of my trip leaders, Lauren, and a really nice lady. Our first flight was from Dulles to Panama where we had a short layover. I thought our layover was going to be longer than it actually was but we only spent 30 minutes in Panama. I got a popcorn snack, which was nice because I could practice my Spanish. However, I stumbled a little because I forgot how to say popcorn. My goal is to be fluent enough in Spanish to where people do not know that I am an English speaker. But I will get there! After we grabbed our popcorn, we were onto our next plane! We then boarded our 6 hour plane from Panama to Asuncion, Paraguay! I rode my second flight with my friend Fabio where we laughed and talked with other friends, Peniel and Camillla. On the first plane we watched “Coco” and on the second we watched “Black Panther”.

When we landed in Asuncion it was FREEZING cold and I had on shorts! We then met our guide Domingo, and our driver Diego, and rode a bus to our hostel. We are now staying in Nomada Hostel. Originally I did not know it was a hostel and I forgot in hostels there are other people staying here with us so I was shocked when I ran into some people in the common area! It is for sure an experience in the hostel – the roof is open and you are able to see the stars and feel the cool breeze.
On Wednesday we woke up and some of us showered which was ALSO an experience! The showers are a lot smaller than home and have colder water than I am used to – especially because there is no roof. After we got ready we ate breakfast: ham slices, pound cake, small pancakes, cornflakes, danishes, and yogurt. We then rode the bus to a music school: El Orchestra Reciclado or The Recycled Orchestra.

The music school was amazing! The students use instruments made out of trash to make music! The students are a symbol of hope that although life may seem impossible you are still able to make something beautiful. There is a lot of flooding here in Paraguay and as a result there is a lot of trash in the streets and in the rivers. Therefore, these individuals find trash at a landfill and a man transforms the trash into cellos, violins, guitars, saxophones, flutes etc. The school allows these students to be able to have a way to a better life. Rather than using drugs or skipping school they are able to travel the world and receive a scholarship for college. These students have been able to travel across the globe performing with Metallica and other famous artists. They have been to China, United States, and the United Kingdom performing – it is so inspiring!
After dinner we were able to see them perform at a church! They sounded so beautiful – it was truly an honor! More people have to know about these amazing students. At the church we also saw girls performing a traditional Paraguayan dance (Polka) in beautiful skirts. They were so nice & after the concert they came up to us and asked to take pictures and have our contacts! I hope we can keep in touch for a long time! The people here are so nice and and truly deserve everything. I can’t wait to keep meeting more Paraguayans!
Lemoni C., Parkdale High School