LearnServe South Africa 2019, Day 1: Partnering with RLabs

Today we visited RLabs, and it was an amazing experience!  When I now think of RLabls, I think of these three words: young, happy, and innovative. The first day working with them, we toured the community that RLabs serves, located in a suburb of Cape Town that is primarily populated by people referred to as “colored” (a term locals use to refer to people of mixed heritage). 

During the tour, we learned about a local gang called the “Young Americans.” The gang is so named because its founders were inspired by the American principles of freedom, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. It changed how I thought about American influence in other countries. I never thought it could be twisted in such a way. However, I was inspired by the work of RLabs to provide alternative opportunities to young people in the community who may be negatively influenced by the local gang culture. 

The RLabs team shared stories of their struggles with gang activity, and those stories shocked me because those people were the nicest people in the building. The ex-gangsters were the stars that lit up the room during our time at RLabs. That is the impact that RLabs had on me. It made me see deeper into others, and I realized that true transformation for communities and individuals is possible.

Kevin A., School Without Walls

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