LearnServe South Africa 2019, Day 4: Table Mountain

The beauty of table mountain cannot be captured by a picture nor can it be captured by riding a cable car to the very top. Then enjoying the comfort of a cafe. It can only be understood after you hike up into the mountain and look back at Cape Town and the ocean behind it. Into the clouds that form on the peaks of table mountain. And finally if you get past the tree line so that the only green you can see is behind you. And finally if you walk forward and look over the cliff you’ll see the oceans. After finally experiencing the journey you will then appreciate the destination.

Although I had a great experience at Table mountain, some had a less enjoyable experience. While I hiked up little did I know that 3 hikers had to turn back because they were too slow especially since it was a very windy, cold and cloudy day. Even so our group of 5 remaining hikers kept a good attitude as we walked up. After reaching the top, each of the members of our group who had bested the mountain were congratulated with applause by the members who took the cable car up. Unfortunately we barely got to see the supposed incredible views from the mountain because of the clouds. But the awesome hike up made the day totally worthwhile. 

At the end of the day everybody was tired. It was time to sleep. Luckily for us it was the first day of our homestays in the township of Tambo Village. Although some of us were worried, I’m sure that most of that worry faded away as the Mamas (who were our hosts for the 3 days) welcomed us all with hugs. Three of us boys stayed with the main organizer named Mama Nocs (and her husband and grandaughter.) After a hard day we were welcomed like family and fed amazing meals. That was the best way to end the day.

Tibor T., Bethesda Chevy Chase High School

One thought on “LearnServe South Africa 2019, Day 4: Table Mountain

  1. Go Tibor! Way to keep us posted. I’m so moved by the blogs I’ve been reading. How fortunate for you to be able to experience all that you are experiencing. Love you, Tia Marianne

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