LearnServe South Africa 2019, Day 10: KYP Day

Today was one of the more relaxed and laid back days. We started off with going to the Kliptown Youth Project (KYP) at 10:00 am. We had time to get to know our buddies more and just have fun. I was playing a game with my buddy on his laptop. The game that we played was an English spelling and grammar game, so that they can be successful in their future careers. Next, we ate lunch, which I liked very much. Right after lunch, Destiny and Lauren did a presentation on gun violence and how it affects people in the U.S.

After their presentation, we had sort of a talent show where the kids at KYP did a gumboot dance. Gumboot dancing is similar to step from the U.S. except they wear rubber boots, or gumboots. Gumboot dancing originated in the 1800s when gold was first discovered in Johannesburg. People from all over came to work in the mines to make money. Since people spoke different languages from each other they created gumboot dancing as an alternative way to communicate. As a follow-up to the gumboot dance that the kids at KYP performed, Kevin and Don did a step routine as a cultural exchange. Following the “talent show,” we were taught a little bit of gumboot dancing.

The experience at KYP was very informative for me as I got to know what the community is like and how everyone in the community respects and wants to help promote and expand KYP’s reach and programs to impact the future generations. After the presentation on gun violence there was a discussion on gun violence in South Africa. During the discussion I heard about how hard it is to get a gun in South Africa and that it takes 2-3 years of training to get your license. I felt as though the US should adopt this procedure and all of the rules on which guns you can buy. 

Nedim Y., School Without Walls High School

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