Meet Semira! LearnServe’s New Office Manager and Program Coordinator

My first two weeks at LearnServe have truly been such a great experience. I have enjoyed my introduction to LearnServe because it’s been very hands on, so I’ve gotten to see everything in action.

One of my most memorable moments was at the weekly Fellows meeting, where I was invited to speak as a guest speaker. Though public speaking is not new to me, I was definitely a little nervous as I saw the faces staring back at me.

I shared my experiences and struggles in trying to figure out my place in the world. I also shared how important it is to have the confidence to identify the parts of yourself that contribute to your strengths as an individual and changemaker.

A little uncertain as to whether I was boring the Fellows or not, I decided to ask questions about their experiences and vision for the future. Much to my surprise, I received many thought-provoking responses that not only exemplified their brilliance,  but also their appreciation for the space LearnServe provides them to understand their strengths and talents. The students also shared their appreciation for all the work that goes into providing the space and resources they need to cultivate their skill-sets.

We had some great individual discussions afterwards about the Fellows’ ventures. Some were looking to create change through building bridges between the fields of fashion and STEM. Others were looking to make education more accessible to immigrant populations. Some were even looking to create policy change through their ventures.

All of these ventures were rooted in personal experiences and passions, really demonstrating the character that is needed to be a changemaker. I was really grateful to be able to partake in such an atmosphere. It was a sneak peak into all that is to come as I continue my journey with LearnServe, and I look forward to developing many more amazing memories with such talented and gifted people.

Semira Tesfai
LearnServe Office Manager and Program Coordinator

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