Community Letter following Student Action Summit 2020

Dear LearnServe Community,

I am writing to update you on an incident that took place at LearnServe’s Student Action Summit on Saturday.  During the interactive portion of our keynote speaker’s address, a Summit participant anonymously posted a racial slur that was displayed — among other, appropriate responses — on the overhead screen.

Racism has no place in this world and most certainly not in our community.  We are especially disheartened this happened in a space that was meant to inspire, uplift, and connect.  And we understand that the initial response, which did not address the seriousness of the racist post, undermined precisely the safe space, shared trust, and inclusive community we are working to build. 

I want to commend the Summit attendees who immediately vocalized their concern during the keynote Q&A discussion.  I addressed the group following the keynote, and our colleague Lauren Jordan facilitated a conversation for students of color to reflect on the incident and how it was handled.  All Summit participants had the opportunity to share — and listen to each other — during the closing circle.  

The LearnServe team has taken to heart the concerns raised by Summit participants.  Earlier this year, we began an internal process to ensure all our programs are equitable and inclusive.  Saturday’s incident underscores how much more work there is to do. We are reviewing how we create and maintain safe spaces, how we train our staff and volunteer leaders, and how we respond to conflict as it arises.

I invite you to reach out to me personally with any recommendations on how LearnServe can more effectively center equity and inclusion in our work.  I also invite you to share any questions, concerns, or reflections regarding the incident and LearnServe’s response. You can reach me any time at or 202-422-2239.  We have hosted listening sessions with our LearnServe Fellows, as well as the event attendees from our partner organizations. Our youth leaders have offered a list of recommendations to LearnServe. 

I am sorry that this incident over-shadowed a day of inspiration, learning, and optimism.  Thank you for being part of our LearnServe family, and for trusting us to guide your students through these important, and often difficult, conversations.  I look forward to hearing from you.

With great appreciation,