LearnServe Fellow Myles: Improving Access to LGBTQ+ Education

Myles (LearnServe Fellow 2020) is passionate about bringing LGBTQ+ experiences into the classroom and everyday conversations. As he shared with the LearnServe community, “I have personally seen the adverse effects a lack of inclusion of LGBTQ+ topics in school can have… an abundance of naive and homophobic comments made by students, as well as a generally accepted heternormative environment.”

In April, Myles launched Advocates for Queer Inclusion (AQI), a social venture planning to bring educators and students together for a conference, workshops, and LGBTQ+ community building. In tandem, Myles started publishing The Stonewall Writes, a newsletter that provides LGBTQ+ book and movie recommendations, a queer icons crossword puzzle, and resources for further research each month. The publication is intended for both the LGBTQ+ community and allies. 

“The goal is for LGBTQ+ topics to no longer be treated as something ‘different’ that is forced into a school’s curriculum, and instead, a natural part of education,” Myles reflected. “This inclusivity will result in more students, and faculty, feeling comfortable expressing themselves and their sexual or gender identity.” 

You can watch Myles’ elevator pitch to learn more about his work through AQI and The Stonewall Writes

We interviewed Myles about how his social venture has grown since April, and his plans for the future of The Stonewall Writes.

How has your venture grown since you launched in April?

In April, my venture was focused on positive social change in person, but due to quarantine I was forced to switch to a more electronic version. Although pursuing my venture virtually is not exactly what I had originally thought of, I was still able to reach many different local communities and people due to the online nature of my updated venture. I have chosen to focus more on the educational aspect of my venture by growing The Stonewall Writes, allowing readers to bring more LGBTQ+ topics into their everyday lives through books, media, and conversation.

What are your plans for the Stonewall Writes in the coming months? Has your solution changed as we find ourselves in a pandemic context?

The pandemic has not changed the social challenges I am tackling, instead, it has changed how I am tackling them. The focus of my venture has shifted to the inclusion of LGBTQ+ topics in everyday conversation. Rather than creating a conference for school educators and administrators to focus on LGBTQ+ topics in schools, I have decided to build upon an online magazine I have created called The Stonewall Writes. In the coming months, I plan to grow the readership of the Stonewall Writes and connect with more individuals to hear their personal stories. As my venture grows, I hope to establish a more substantial presence and collaborate with various local LGBTQ+ centers and allies in the community.  

You can read the complete July issue of The Stonewall Writes here

Want to keep up with Myles’ work? Subscribe to The Stonewall Writes here.

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