LearnServe Global – Zambia 2024 Highlights

For two weeks in July, 8 U.S. students and 14 Zambian peers met in Lusaka and Livingstone for two weeks of leadership development, community action, and cross-cultural exchange.

All 22 students are alumni of the LearnServe Fellows and Incubator programs in their respective cities.  After working closely via Zoom over the past few months to prepare for this exchange — and for the better part of the past year via LearnServe’s virtual Incubator Program — they finally had the opportunity to meet in person.

Below are some of the updates shared by Latrina Bowman, LearnServe’s Director of Programs and travel co-leader.  (And check out our other blog posts from U.S. and Zambian travelers!)

LearnServe Global – Zambia 2024 Highlights

DAY 1 | Breaking the Ice

Today, we visited the Lusaka National Museum and saw a local theatre production at the Lusaka PlayHouse. While both experiences were special in their own way, all of the shout outs and highlights during reflection highlighted the shared time of games and team building, including some yoga and meditation, throughout the day. It has been AMAZING watching our students exchange and share time, experiences and most importantly laughs in our short time here.  Videos: ZAMBIA TEAM BUILDERSTHEY’VE GOT RHYTHM!

DAY 3 | Site Visit: Africa Directions

Today one of our Zambia Incubator students invited us to attend her church service and it was the perfect way to start the day! The service was followed by a visit to one of our long time partners, Africa Directions, where we were able to learn about the resources and services provided to youth in the community facing various challenges. Africa Directions uses theatre, arts and other support services to empower youth in the community and we were able to get a taste of that with some singing and dancing lessons.  We had a semi- early day today as we prepare to start our Community Action Project at the CARE Foundation tomorrow!  Video: LINK TO AFRICA DIRECTIONS – Singing and Dancing Lessons

DAYS 4 + 5 | Community Action Project

Despite the connection issues, we have been keeping busy. Monday was an exciting and energetic day in the community. We started off at a “community outreach” where NJira Skills Centre and the Africa Directions theatre group presented a skit, traditional dance and information to expose the community to various topics and challenges they are facing. In the same community, we then visited NJira’s community center, which also serves as the hub of LearnServe’s programming in Zambia. While there we learned more about their history and mission to empower and provide vocational skills and information to vulnerable youth and victims of domestic violence. Our students were also empowered and immediately started brainstorming new fundraising plans to help support and sustain the work they are doing in the community! This was the perfect introduction to the launch of our community action project which kicked off just after lunch! The afternoon and all of Tuesday were filled with painting and dancing and teamwork as we painted the school and purchased material for 50 new uniforms for students in the community. A big thanks to all of those who supported our fundraising efforts!  We’ve been able to contribute to creating a safe and welcoming space to learn and expand their minds! 

Days 6 + 7 | Meeting the 2024 LearnServe Fellows Zambia + Cooking Class + Site Visits

On Wednesday, we visited Twin Palms Secondary School to understand more about the education system here in Zambia and also meet the recently graduated Fellows Zambia 2023-24 cohort! We spent the rest of the day at Kaluha creatives for a cooking class and special performances from Zangi, a local dance troupe. We have been keeping busy and feeling a bit tired, but our Zambia family is taking good care of us! 

On Thursday, we were able to visit one of our longest standing partners, Chikombuso, to learn about their work in the community providing educational and vocational skills to young people and widows. In the afternoon, students were able to connect with another organization, DNK.

Days 8 + 9 | Entrepreneurship Workshop

On Friday, students engaged in a day-long Entrepreneur Workshop with special visits from leaders at BongoHive, My Zambia, My Responsibility, and WEAC. Each of our leaders represented have also served as Incubator mentors and judges, so students were not only able to learn about the social impact work each are doing in the community, but they were also able to reconnect with mentors who followed and supported them throughout their Incubator experience. On Saturday, we were able to test our bargaining skills (with support from our Zambian peers) at the local Saturday market! Students were successful in practicing their local language, understanding of the local currency, all while purchasing special trinkets and souvenirs for our families back home. This experience did peak some homesickness, but the family bond that has been created helped mitigate that. Following the Saturday market and some yummy lunch, we visited Kalimba Farms, a reptile park, and even got a chance to hold a few snakes! 

Days 10 + 11 | Livingstone

On Monday, we conquered the boiling point at Victoria Falls, climbing 600+ steps surrounded by the peaceful falls in the background – and we cannot forget the baboons. After the hike, we were all exhausted, so we spent the afternoon resting with some SelfCare time which most spent playing games and hanging out in our lodge. We ended the evening with a talent show showcasing the many hidden talents in our cohort. Who knew we had so many talented dancers, actors and singers?!! (We may have a LearnServe band in the making!) 

On Tuesday, we managed to see three of the Big Five at Mosi-oa-tunyi National Park. We were guided through the safari on three 4WD vehicles, all seeing buffalo, elephants, giraffes, hippos and much more! 

We’re heading back to Lusaka, for our last day in country. It’s definitely getting emotional over here. We are missing our families for sure, but the family we’ve created in the last two weeks is unmatched! We’ll visit the US Embassy on Wednesday morning before our last family meal (for now) closing out our Global Zambia experience.

Day 12 | Last Day in Zambia

Today has been an emotional day to say the least. We started the day at the US Embassy meeting several US diplomats and representatives who were SOOO impressed with the work of our students and LearnServe overall. We then stopped by the Care Youth Foundation Community School to present the uniforms that the wonderful ladies at Njira prepared on our behalf. This was all followed by a quick stop at the local market and our last family meal. We were busy up until the last minute and it was all worth it and more!!  I am so grateful to have had this experience with our Incubator students and I look forward to seeing you all soon to share all the amazing stories and experiences! 

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