LearnServe Fellows Mentor Session
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque finibus pretium sem. Cras efficitur elit nunc, quis venenatis lectus eleifend in.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque finibus pretium sem. Cras efficitur elit nunc, quis venenatis lectus eleifend in.
Come meet our new class of LearnServe Fellows! This inspiring group is dedicated to making a difference in their communities and schools through social innovation. Join us as they debut their social venture ideas for the public through 30-second elevator pitch presentations.
Join us for a free half-day conference on entrepreneurship and social change and #SparkYourSomething!
Join us for LearnServe’s 15th Anniversary Gala as we celebrate our past, honor our community, and renew our commitment to a bright, bold future.
Come meet our most advanced social entrepreneurs!
Join us for the official launch of our LearnServe Fellows’ social ventures.