•  Seeding Social Innovation 

Get Acquainted

While LearnServe is an extraordinary experience, it shouldn’t be extraordinary. It should be ordinary.Jake Sorrells, LearnServe Fellow 2010

Imagine a world in which all young people learned how to tackle social challenges with entrepreneurial ventures before they graduated high school. How can an education in social innovation transform the next generation of young leaders?

Our in-school curriculum Seeding Social Innovation brings social entrepreneurship into the school day, reaching middle and high school students in public, independent, and charter schools across the Washington, DC area.

Get Involved +

LearnServe’s Seeding Social Innovation curriculum draws on our experiences training young social entrepreneurs in the LearnServe Fellows program since 2006. Students design and implement social action projects. They deepen their knowledge of social innovation work around the world. They hone their critical thinking, collaborating, and creative problem-solving skills.

Seeding Social Innovation is available to public, independent, and charter middle and high schools in DC, Maryland, and Virginia. We offer our partner schools curriculum materials, instructor training, ongoing support, and impact measurement tools.

Excited to bring Seeding Social Innovation to your school as a stand-alone elective or an action-oriented unit in a broader course? Email Director of Seeding Social Innovation Lauren Jordan to find out how.

Meet Our Partners +

Seeding Social Innovation connects socially conscious companies, organizations, and college students with middle and high schools eager to develop entrepreneurial, civic-minded young leaders. Our partner institutions are highlighted on the map below.

For Our Community

Are you currently part of Seeding Social Innovation? Stay up-to-date with deadlines, assignments, and supplemental materials. We’ll see you at the next LearnServe event!

Have a question? Email Director of Seeding Social Innovation Lauren Jordan.