Travelers Who Change

I met Rahlek Mathias as a junior at Paul International HS when I was in my first year as the Strategic Programs Manager there. Rahlek was an avid athlete, and I noticed during our individual conversations that he also has a big heart for animals. I signed him up for the LearnServe Fellows program where he was able to develop his love for endangered species and create a social venture to support animals who are affected by natural disasters in developing nations. He passionately developed the topic into his senior capstone project.

Though the Fellows program sometimes interfered with his football and basketball practices, Rahlek made sure he could attend the Thursday sessions. He not only developed his ability to commit to the program, but also the confidence to network with peers from other schools and the professionals who reviewed his venture. Rahlek subsequently signed up for the LearnServe Abroad summer program to Jamaica with 5 other friends, his English teacher and the Dean of Students at Paul International HS.

Despite the challenges and newness of being abroad, Rahlek demonstrated grit and empathy as he worked with local organizations in Jamaica. He demonstrated that those who travel intentionally can truly develop the capacity to change and grow themselves, in addition to creating a positive impact on their local, national or international communities. 

I used to be a LearnServe Seeding Social Innovation instructor at Paul International HS while teaching Spanish. After 8 years of teaching I moved into the role of Strategic Programs Manager. In additional to other responsibilities, I managed the international travel program and global curriculum for 9-12th grades. I implemented the SSI curricula for all 11th and 12th graders. For 2 years I was able to manage and reflect upon how the LearnServe method can reach more students across DC, Maryland and Virginia and how to update the curriculum to reach a more and more diverse pool of learners.

I currently work as a Diversity, Equity and Inclusion curriculum consultant for LearnServe, specifically for Seeding Social Innovation and LearnServe Abroad. The goal is to review current curricula and to create more alignment, engagement and inclusion in all workshops and sessions. I’m proud to bring my years of teaching and programs management to ensure that LearnServe has a well-aligned, engaging and relevant curriculum map. 

The LearnServe Abroad theme “Travelers Who Change” was created and inspired by the need to have a growth mindset as a traveler. As LearnServe continues to bring together students from diverse backgrounds and take these young adults across borders, students will have many opportunities to challenge their own biases. They will also continue to develop their sense of self. I believe Travelers Who Change gives the organization a vision and common vocabulary to describe our aspiration to positively impact your local, national and international environments. As Travelers Who Change, we value building trust in ourselves and others, challenging implicit bias, and empowering youth to understand the power of their presence, voice and actions. 

Global Education is no longer a luxury. LearnServe provides an opportunity for all students to feel relevant, celebrate diversity and learn beyond their immediate environment. Throughout the United States, in order to improve the quality of our educational system, we must recognize the 21st century skills that are necessary for our students to be prepared citizens. We want to prepare students for their future, not our reality!

Sherman Hughes
Curriculum Specialist
LearnServe International

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